Edited and with an Introduction by Polina Barskova
Poems by Maria Galina, Ekaterina Simonova, Ivan Sokolov, Nikita Sungatov, Alexandra Tsibulya, and Oksana Vasyakina
Translated by Elina Alter, Catherine Ciepiela, Anna Halberstadt, Ainsley Morse, Kevin Platt, and Valeriya Yermishova
Six of the most remarkable contemporary Russian poets present their groundbreaking verse in a bilingual poetry collection presented in partnership with PEN America’s Writers in Dialogue project.
Publication Date: February 8, 2022
Paperback: 9781646051625
eBook: 9781646051632
In 2020, as international travel skidded to a halt, PEN America’s Writers in Dialogue project—which opens the exhilarating world of contemporary Russian poetry to American readers by bridging American and Russian literary communities—went remote, using online connection to foster collaborations between daring emerging or under-translated poetic voices and dextrous translators. In this remarkable volume, the Russian poets and American translators who were paired for this initiative present their collaborative work in a bilingual format, in which each pair will share a poem in both languages, and join in a conversation about the pleasures, challenges, and intimacies of translation. English-reading audiences will have an opportunity to experience the boldness and stylistic and thematic range of the work originating from a vital poetry scene. Featuring Ainsley Morse, Maria Galina, Catherine Ciepiela, Alexandra Tsibulya, Anna Halberstadt, Oksana Vasyakina, Elina Alter, Ivan Sokolov, Kevin Platt, Ekaterina Simonova, Valeriya Yermishova, and Nikita Sungatov.